structured settlements

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Settlement Companies

In recent years, a complete settlement funding industry has been created. Companies will offer to pay for the rights to receive future annuity payments under structured agreements. These companies offer customers the benefit of direct access to cash.

To gain immediate access to their money, a person can sell their right to receive all or part of their future structured annuity payments to a settlement buyer. The factoring company acquires the right to receive future structured settlement monies in exchange for a cash payout. Reasons to sell a series of payments include gaining access to financial capital during a family emergency. Some people choose to repay a debt or to use the cash for investment purposes such as starting a business or buying a home. Others use the money to fund an entire college education.


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Structured settlement

Formally recognized by the federal government since 1983, structured settlement payments are specified in voluntary settlement agreements between and injury victims and defendant(s). A settlement payment or annuity comes as the result of a contract between a victim and a defendant whereby the injured victim receives a stream of tax-free settlement payments as an annuity tailored to meet their future needs instead of receiving one lump sum. Once a structured settlement payment agreement is reached, the plaintiff cannot make changes.