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Structured Settlements: Physical Injury Cases

Creative Capital is dedicated to working with clients to craft solutions and tailor products that meet their specific individual situations. With years of experience and expertise in structured settlement consulting and brokerage, we are uniquely positioned to facilitate settlement processes and support approaches that work favorably for everyone.

In any situation where parties negotiate a payout over a period of time in taxable or tax-free situations, we now have the ability to use a structured settlement approach to help the parties achieve a better settlement.

Traditional Structured Settlements
Structured settlements with qualified assignments (novations) have been used successfully for many years in:

* Physical Injury Cases (since 1983)
* Workers' Compensation Claims (post-August 1997)

Structured Settlements for Other Situations
Now the success of the traditional structured settlement with a novation is available for a wider range of situations, including:

* Attorneys' Fees (physical injury and non-physical injury)
* Employment Cases
* Commercial Business Transactions
* Long Term Disability Cases
* Old Workers' Compensation Claims (pre-August 1997)
* Non-Bodily Injury Claims
* Punitive Damages
* Most other negotiated settlements


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Structured settlement

Formally recognized by the federal government since 1983, structured settlement payments are specified in voluntary settlement agreements between and injury victims and defendant(s). A settlement payment or annuity comes as the result of a contract between a victim and a defendant whereby the injured victim receives a stream of tax-free settlement payments as an annuity tailored to meet their future needs instead of receiving one lump sum. Once a structured settlement payment agreement is reached, the plaintiff cannot make changes.